Mr. Maynard:
This email requires a reply. That reply to me would be:
"Congratulations for making top mark google search results"
"You are right"
My network is valid and trumping you all involved in this
conspiracy. Don't deny that this is not going to have an impact on
your career future forward.
Do yourself a
favor and create a mechanized pathway internal of case management job
tasks and roles to the reconciliation of this greater conspiracy.
You know you have been defeated.
will see this reflecting that my links --- all of them --- will up the
rankings -- if I create context content to each page.
It would then state it as a verbal response to a verbal command search inquiry.
In that Context, I will state:
R Maynard is a liar --- he lied in an SMS chat channel conversation
regarding his recollection of the housing status originally disclosed by
the client was couch surfing when it was actually living in client's
family home with his mother. This family home in the terrorist attacked
city of San Bernardino CA since client's age 5. The client is actually a
peace builder and network holder of a peacebuilding and trust binding
I was wondering how far you would take it --- to go all out in a cover-up!
My mother has attended each and every case management meeting from the beginning with you.
would it look to a jury that a mother that is participating in each and
every case management meeting but the client is homeless to the level
extreme "couch surfing with friends".
situation was placed into existence so that services can in the future
time claimed that client lied and deception is present in his housing
acquisitions and services available--- denial of services the result.
would be your so-called justification to issue unjustified suspension
letter for reasons of deception. --- you all want me dead
Another suspension letter drafted by a
Ryan White Care Act social services agency of deception -you all act as untouchables.
in the lies, deception, cheats, and steals are being confronted as you
come to the reckoning of what you all have done, you are at a loss...
I have a 10-year collective cumulative data bank of life experience to unfold to the jury.
You lied to protect your ass --- your asses are exposed to their extremes.
is a better answer than court. But you won't comply with rational
discussion options and rational discourse of directions we must break
the chain of hate and go to a different 180-degree change of focus.
we have an understanding that we have a different kind of relationship
here --- one which I am the one involved in breaking a conspiracy and
not I am the one needing mental health advocacy or therapy. But I
would benefit from honesty -- that is the therapy of resemblance of
common decency and common faith!
You are
the ones insane and need help therapy. You are the ones that are
psychopaths if the links showing above in the Google Search Results
ranking does not impact persuasiveness onto your life perspectives of
We can and do make daily
for ourselves correct and just choices outside of the employer to
employee conflict of interest directives.
you truly say you are autonomous in your delivery of managed care and
case services--- you will agree with me and walk a different direction
and talk a different tune when we meet tomorrow.
apologize for lying to me in an SMS conversation and we proceed with
great wonder why I am the one being subjected to hate and deception when
I own a peacebuilding cyber identity as
@Shannon Southall [ ] sells her shares of
Rocky Mountain Cares
before the true shit hit the fan. They merged with another
organization and gets out -- to be no longer working there. If my
content rankings were higher, it would not have blindsided the new
executive director to the impact -- he knows he has a worthless piece of
shit that he has to work to restore -- and he is not let off the
hook. He refuses contact --- but he knows who did this to
him. Ms. Southall lied to him and the informational society had
the data, he did not do his full diligence research on what happened in
Denver before they merged.
The impact it has had on the local Denver Community, I do not know.
I will be successful !!! - This conspiracy is broken!
There is so much at stake in not acting.
I am not keeping quiet about the experiences I have had with social services.
Bonnie Flippin and Doctor Berger are invited into this real up human time discussion.
erosion of trust begets more erosion of trust. You are walking
the road of full and outright collapse --- we are doomed in your
paradigm thoughts and ideals. We are all doomed in this country to
be at a fear based society and killed by mass murder.
problem will get worse before it gets better. Because you have
hidden this so so so far down in hell --- in hell is where you all
deserve to go.
Redemption and No More Lies --- and there may be the bigger and better light for you all.